
Finley Facts

I'm ten weeks old. My hair and eyelashes get more red every day. I'm in the 17th percentile for weight, height, and head size, which means I'm dainty. I have rolls everywhere, though, and I still am rocking my baby jowls.

Aunt Reilly bought me my first piano. She has high expectations of me. I think she just wants me to hook her up with John Mayer someday when I'm famous. Okay, Reilly. You want Jessica Simpson's sloppy seconds? Fine.

I got my first set of shots, and cried for only three minutes. Then I looked around, sighed, and fell asleep on Mommy.

Oh, and Gigi and Papa babysat me and taught me to play Black Jack.

1 comment:

Jessica Martiele said...

3rd photo: favorite by far. You rock those jowls, girl!