

When I see these in the road in my neighborhood, I want to run the damn things down.

They're so insulting. There are speed limits for a reason. How about I drive the recommended 25 miles an hour through the street, and you make sure your kids know not to run in front of my car?

And they're deceiving, because I think that moms who put these signs out are not actually wanting everyone to be aware that there are children in a suburban neighborhood (what?!). I think they just want to feel better about leaving their kids to play in the street unsupervised while they're in the house.

A little unhealthy anger does a body tense.


Jennie said...

:0) Oh, I love you Linds!

Me said...

LOL, touche, my dear!!! <3

Suzie said...

LINDS! This makes us both look like a couple witchy witches. I LOVE the kids in our neighborhood-for the record everyone!

(delete, Lindz. I had mine first)