
Whitey Got You Down?

This PostSecret postcard made me think.
Panic attacks. Eating disorders. Chronic divorcing. What do they all three have in common? 
They are problems found mostly (note: mostly) in middle-class white peoples' lives.
Does that astound anyone else?
I feel like I have a thousand things to say on this topic, and yet, I feel like I shouldn't say them.
I'm not usually one to censor myself, but I can just keep it in.
Simply put, I know I take advantage of being white. I seriously don't think about it on a day-to-day basis, mostly because my race and even my culture is not a huge part of who I am.
I've had very few situations in my life where I've thought, "Geez, I'm white, aren't I?"
And I was even in a very serious interracial relationship for a few months.
Part of it is living in Utah County. Part of it is living in America.
I know we have a perfect set-up.
I just was thinking about this postcard.
I know how lucky I am to be in this set-up.
I also know that my way to combat any racism or awkwardness regarding race is just to laugh at it.
Which is why I'm pleased to show you this hilarious website, "Stuff White People Like."
This is an accurate list of, well, stuff white people like that is either ironic or just plain in bad taste. But for some reason, we love it.

Things like:
Conan O'Brien
Tea, coffee, and organic food
Arrested Development
Girls with bangs
Bob Marley
The World Cup

How lucky are we? (Plus, we get Morgan Freeman, because he's more for us now.)

1 comment:

Reilly said...

Im so white i love Connan O' Brian and i have bangs