
100 Songs for 100 Moods

If you're feeling grand...

Plainsong by the Cure

Feelings about this song run high, as well as black and white. Either way, you have to agree it's a "moments" song--one that you hear and can just picture moments. I personally love it, but look at some of the comments that were below the video on Youtube:

"The best song the Cure ever wrote. This is not music, this is a beautiful atom bomb, wiping the slate clean and erasing all. I could listen to this a million (more) times, and it would still have a profound effect on me..."

"The highest level of sound of a human who remains of the universe god source..." (whatever that means)

"I want to play this song when I walk down the aisle..."

"It's so beautiful, no words are really needed..."

What do you think? Love it or hate it?

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